ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

To Create a Boundary

  1. From the ConstructSim tab of the Tasks dialog, left-click Boundaries and from the menu select Open ‘Boundary’ as Toolbox.

    The Boundary - Task toolbox opens.

  2. Select Set Active Depth and click in the view.
  3. Snap to the corner of an object in the view to set the plane for the extrusion.

    The active view depth is set.

  4. Rotate to the Top View.

    The Top View gives you a better view for drawing the outline shape of the boundary you want to create.

  5. Select the Place Shape tool and place a shape around the area you want in the boundary.
  6. Rotate to the Isometric View.
  7. Select the Solid by Extrusion tool tool, click on the corner of the area (an outline appears) and drag up to contain the area to be in the boundary.

    The area extrudes and the boundary appears around the area.

  8. Select the Create Boundary From Selected Solid tool.

    The Create Boundary tool settings window opens.

  9. A name is auto-generated, but you can assign a unique name to the boundary.
  10. Click the solid element and the boundary is created.
  11. Click to Accept.

    The boundary displays in the Boundary dialog.

  12. Save the file and the boundaries are saved and stored in the database.